Ready for the best vacation hack of all time? Ditch the hotel. By opting to rent a house, you’ll get twice the space of a hotel room, with half the cost. (We have some gorgeous picks below that are...
Okay, so you’re a brilliantly motivated young gal living in Small Town, USA. It’s great, it really is. But you’re feeling an itch. A desire to pack your bags, to hop on that plane, and to see what city...
At first glance, traveling for postgrads with copious amounts of loans seems like an unwise financial decision. With interest piling up, it’s tempting to put off a trip in favor of the decision to save money. I’ve recently discovered...
We all book vacations for a sense of adventure – to explore unknown places and discover a part of the world we’ve never experienced. But who says adventure has to be a world away? From east coast to west coast,...
If you’re a true travel junkie plus book nerd like me, you’ve probably experienced the unstoppable wanderlust inspired by the strange new hostel welcoming eclectic guests to Tokyo, Japan. I recently took a trip from my home base in...
There’s no question about it, people: the summer ‘grams are upon us. On any given day, during any given scroll, we’ll suffer a throng of study abroad photos, vacation-grams, and, most certainly, the ubiquitous road trip photo. If you’re...
You know those once in a lifetime trips that are so wonderful your Instagram just can’t do it justice? The weather’s perfect, you happen to stumble upon the coolest streets and the most idyllic beaches and you swear the...
Before entering the college world, my mind was flooded with images of students partying at some tropical, all-inclusive resort in Cabo San Lucas in adorable bikinis with all of their friends. “I can’t wait to spring break!”, I thought....

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