What's possible in a week? If you dedicated seven days to the achievement of one goal, how ambitious could you make this goal? These were the questions that the multilingual friends Katy and Sara posed themselves when they determined to learn...
I think that, for anyone, medicine is kind of a scary word. It implies that something is wrong, that there’s a part of you that can be fixed—that can become better—if you take a little pill. When I was fifteen,...
Raise your hand if your first time having sex was not how you expected it to be, for better or for worse. Keep your hand raised if your expectations for sex (sexpectations?) had been previously established by porn. Porn, in...
Awhile ago, I wrote a piece describing the Enneagram, an ancient tool used to gain self-awareness. Since then, its popularity has risen, and it’s become even more of an integral part of my own growth. Even though it should never...

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