DIY | The Coolest Life
If it’s a holiday, and you didn’t make a festive decoration or cocktail, did you really celebrate it? In honor of Cinco de Mayo, one of our favorite days to celebrate (margaritas, the beginning of spring, guacamole…. come on) we...
We all know that college kids love their beer. The six packs of Natty Light filling up our fridges don’t lie. But sometimes we’re looking for a little upgrade in our drink of choice. From the best beer cocktails to...
Mother’s Day sneak up on you with the stress of finals going on? Feeling bad because your mom deserves the world but you’re running low on time and cash? We’ve got your back girl. We whipped up some adorable downloadable cards and...
One of the best things about living in a dorm on campus is that every year is a blank slate. Those fresh white walls are just begging to be covered in something pretty. Changing up your décor on a...
Growing up, purple was not only my favorite color, it was my obsession.  I had a purple dress that I wore nearly every day.  Imagine my excitement when Pantone announced its 2018 “Color of the Year”– Ultra Violet!  The...

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